Liz Hansen 2024 conducts body positivity group activity at the 2024 “Spark + Curiosity” TEDx Salon event!

I was a presenter at the 2024 “Spark + Curiosity” TEDx Salon event!

I had the opportunity to gather again with speakers from the October 2023 TEDx Arlington Heights stage to help conduct a hands-on workshop, allowing us to share our "big ideas" on stage one more time!

I ran a breakout group activity at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library to help people create new thoughts about their body and how that can positively transform their life.

I believe that body affirmations are a powerful way to reframe the way you think about your body. Each breakout group had a variety of body part cards to then process what that body part does and why they were grateful for it in a positive light. By writing a list of body affirmations and saying them aloud while looking in a mirror, the group was able to see how their own body is perfectly unique and allows them to experience wonderful things.

Changing the negative thoughts and views of our body takes time and practice… and it can be uncomfortable if you’ve never done an activity like this. If you’re ready to boost your confidence in a powerful way with body-positive affirmations, click the image below to print off your own PDF of the group activity to do at home!

And while you’re at it, if you need an extra dose of body positivity in your life, watch my TEDx Arlington Heights talk on “Nudity Doesn't Have to Be Naughty” below:

Liz Hansen speaks on the TEDx Arlington Heights stage on “Nudity Doesn't Have to Be Naughty”

I loved having more time to interact with the TEDx Arlington Heights speakers since that day we originally presented was such a whirlwind, and we didn't have much time together on the day of the conference.

I also enjoyed meeting the local people who came out to enjoy and learn at the TEDx Salon. Check out ALL the other TEDx speakers I was fortunate to be on the sage with below and continue to be inspired!

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